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Instytut Oceanologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk  – widok z loty ptaka

Institute of Oceanology Polish Academy of Sciences (IO PAN)


Institute of Oceanology Polish Academy of Sciences (IO PAN)

IO PAN is a research institute which main scientific interests include marine physics, chemistry, biology and ecology. The history of IOPAN existence reaches 60 years and include many scientific achievements. IOPAN successfully creates international cooperation in several regions such as Baltic Sea, North Sea and Arctic Ocean. The mission of the Institute of Oceanology PAN is to seek, understand, and communicate the scientific understanding of the marine environment and the issues related to its protection and sustainable use. IO PAN scientists and engineers achieve this by carrying out innovative, high-level scientific and technological research that further enhances our understanding of the environment, and provides expertise and new technologies which are then shared with the broader public and interested parties from the public and private sector. IOPANs studies are mainly financed by Ministry of Science and Higher Education ( in relation to A+ class) and include:

  1. The role of the oceans in climate change and its effects on European sea
  2. The natural and anthropogenic variability of the Baltic Sea environment
  3. Contemporary changes in the coastal ecosystems of shelf seas
  4. Genetic and physiological mechanisms of the functioning of marine organisms; the basics of marine biotechnology

In recent years IOPAN become a partner in several national and international scientific consortiums which main aims are focused on research, exploration and exploitation of the marine environment. IOPAN is not only a leader in many scientific projects but also a creator of new technologies used in the Baltic Sea region such as renewable energy.

The Institute of Oceanology, as part of the Centre for Polar Studies, has been awarded the title of a Leading National Research Centre (KNOW) in the field of Earth Sciences for the years 2014-2018 by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.